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The most frequent questions - FAQ

When to apply to the ZUŠ?

Registration of new students and talent tests take place every year in April and May.
This year, of course, registration can take place during April, and we will inform about the talent tests operatively between April and May on our website.
In the month of September, vacancies are only filled and the schedule of already accepted pupils is agreed upon.

What is needed to admit my child to the ZUŠ?
In order to be accepted, it is necessary to have a completed application for a specific field of school and successful completion of talent tests.
According to the decree on the ZUŠ, it is possible to admit a child to all fields of study upon completion
aged 5 years as of September 1 of the given school year.
It is possible to admit a child to the 1st year of the 1st stage of basic studies after reaching that age 
aged 7  on September 1 of the given school year.
Based on these conditions, it is possible to accept a child to study.
Can I register my child at the ZUŠ during the school year?
This option exists, but only in exceptional cases and after approval by the school director. 
Mostly, it is a transfer from another school or the addition of a sudden change in the teacher's schedule.
Where can I find out information about my child's admission and placement?
You can find information about the admission and placement of a student in the major field and musicology:
1. on the school's website in the ZUŠ news section
2. on the school's information board in the vestibule of the ZUŠ.
The information will be posted from about mid-June to mid-September.
Where do I find out about my child's benefit?
You will find out about your child's progress from the teacher of the main subject (in the afternoon).
If your child's performance will be poor in the long term, or the child will have high absenteeism,
we try to inform the legal representatives ourselves. 
How to register a child at the ZUŠ?

1)    Fill out the electronic application form
• You can find the electronic application form here or at www.zuscl.cz , the big blue application button in the top right menu.
• It is not necessary to print or mail the application. After filling it out, send it to us using the "Send application" button.
• Procedure: Click on the application button -> Fill out the Application to the ZUŠ -> Next -> Fill in the data about your child -> Next -> Fill in the data about you or the other parent -> Next -> Click on all the study areas you want Register your child (Be careful, you can be admitted to all of them! If he doesn't want to attend any of them in September, you have to fill out an opt-out!) -> Next -> I agree to everything (GDPR consents) -> Next -> Check everything -> Submit application -> That is all! You do not need to print the application, you can sign it at the talent tests or in the school office in September.
• By filling out the application form, you are not automatically admitted to the ZUŠ! Talent tests still need to be successfully completed.

2)     Come to the talent tests
• You follow the school's website www., at which dates and information on talent tests will be announced. It is usually at the turn of April and May.
• On the date of the talent tests, come to school - the child and at least one of his legal representatives.
• The committee will gradually invite and examine all those interested in studying.
• There is nothing to be afraid of:
musicians from a child just want to sing a folk song, clap a simple rhythm and repeat the notes
artists want to paint a picture according to the assignment
dancers clap a simple rhythm and try a few simple exercises according to the assignment
theater people , on the other hand, want to perform a simple poem in several different ways.
• We do not assume that a child can play a musical instrument for talent tests. That will still be learned here.
3) According to the published results of the talent tests, you will find out if you have been accepted and to which teacher. You can find the results on the school's website in the ZUŠ news section or on the school's information board in the ZUŠ lobby.
4) In the case of admission to study, come to arrange the class schedule with your teacher in the first week of September.

What are the criteria for admitting a student to the ZUŠ?

Student's communication skills, reactions and way of conducting dialogue with the teacher. Certain independence and maturity considering the age of the person interested in studying.
Depending on the individual fields (music, visual arts, literary-dramatic and dance) also the ability to understand the assigned task, communicativeness, imagination, creativity and activity, all again in accordance with the age of the person interested in studying.


1.     Sing a simple folk song of your choice .
- Intonation and rhythmic assumptions

2.     Repeat after the teacher the correct pitch of the played tone on the syllable "no". As an addition, it is also possible to repeat a short melodic excerpt.
- Musical hearing, correction of own mistakes
- Tone range, pitch

3.     Clap the rhythm after the teacher , i.e. a short rhythmic excerpt following the pattern of the clapping teacher
- Rhythmic feeling
- Ability to react to a change in tempo, alertness

Interested in studying 5-8 years:
We value the ability to independently and individually creatively process a subject and assignment, knowledge of basic colors, confidence in handling the instrument.

Those interested in studying 9-13 years:
We evaluate the solution of the task, the artistic communication of the idea, the placement of the drawing in the format, the ability to observe and linearly represent the shape and proportions of objects, faithfulness to the transcription of reality, color perception - the ability to consciously and purposefully work with colors, to compose colored areas, mix color shades.

Those interested in studying aged 14 and over
We evaluate the placement (composition) of elements in the format and the ability to observe and realistically capture the proportional and spatial relationships of objects with each other, work with the scale of individual motifs, perspective, the ability to depict still life proportions, figure, the ability to model with light and shadow . We evaluate work in a nutshell, simplification.

Basic prerequisites:
- motivation to study the chosen field
- vocabulary
- good pronunciation
- creativity
- movement expression
- ability to use imagination in space during small acting studies assigned by the teacher

Physical prerequisites:
- the student's natural movement skills - dexterity, body posture, proper body coordination when walking and running, ability to orientate in space, ability to express movement on a given topic

Elementary musicality:
- ability to react with movement to changes in music – melody, rhythm, tempo

Physical prerequisites:
- applicant's natural movement skills – flexibility, dexterity, posture, proper body coordination when walking and running, ability to orientate in space,...

Musical prerequisites and overall musicality:
- rhythmic feeling - accuracy of clapping in the given rhythm of ¾ and 4/4 time, mastery of singing a simple children's folk song
- ability to react with movement to changes in music - tempo, dynamics, rhythm, pause,...

Danceability – the overall connection of the components:
- in dance improvisation demonstrate the ability to independently express the mood of a given piece of music with movement, to dance – to move to the music according to a simple assignment.

Liberec Region



Základní umělecká škola,
Česká Lípa, Arbesova 2077, příspěvková organizace

Arbesova 2077
Česká Lípa, 470 01

IČ: 62237021
IDDS: imn64gz
